Phenomena #1



Welcome to the first entry of “Phenomena,” a continuing series in which I will share some of the weird and paranormal events that occur in my life, instances that I feel not only challenge my understanding of reality, but also drive me to explore more deeply into the nature of my own consciousness.

Of course I understand that there might be some very unique challenges involved in doing a series of this nature. In the words of the late Robert Anton Wilson, I will effectively be trying to “Screw the inscrutable and eff the ineffable.” Nevertheless, I will do my best to be as truthful as I can and hopefully the initial sense of wonder that motivates me to recount an experience will also come across in the writing. Beyond that I won’t try to kid anyone. Whatever there is to be learned from these reports is something I will probably be trying to figure out along with the reader.

Sincerely, T.C. Eisele


Phenomena #1

 As a warm, late afternoon gives way to the approaching shadows of evening, my wife and I are sitting quietly in our backyard and enjoying some wine. She is busy on her laptop and I’m engaged in reading the label on the back of the bottle we’re working on. The description of this wine begins with, “This velvety-smooth black Pinot Noir is reminiscent of the early evening sky, just before darkness settles in.” “How serendipitous,” I think to myself, and then read the description aloud to my wife. “That’s pretty cool,” she replies, giving me a quick smile and then going back to her computer.

The idyllic scene in our backyard is eventually interrupted when my cell phone begins ringing with the eerie, twilight zone-like melody I chose for it. “Who in hell is calling me while I’m trying to relax with my beautiful trophy wife?” I say to no one in particular. After turning to look at me over the tops of her glasses, my wife frowns and sticks out her tongue. “Love you too baby,” I say, as I check to see who is on the phone.

“Why are you calling me?” I ask my wife. She turns away from her computer screen and looks at me. “I didn’t call you.” Without a word I simply hold up the ringing phone so she can see her name on the screen. “Oh my God, that’s so strange. Look, my phone is all the way over there and I haven’t touched it!” Sure enough, when I look over toward where she is pointing, there is my wife’s phone, out of reach on the other side of the table. At that moment my phone stops ringing and for the next few seconds we both just sit there and look at one another.

My wife then stands up and reaches for her phone.

“If you were you thinking of me that might have been what set off your phone?’ I say to her, trying to add some levity to the atmosphere of weirdness that has now descended.

After checking her phone, my wife shakes her head and remarks, “How is this possible? There is no record of any call to you.” Now I’m curious, so I go back to search in my phone and to my amazement there is no record that my wife had just called!

By this time the birds have flown away and the night is spread out over the surrounding yards like a cool, dark bed sheet. As the lights start to come on in the surrounding houses, my wife and I begin gathering our things to go inside. Once my wife is in the house, I stand there alone under the starry sky and softly recite to myself;

“Therefore, send not to know

For whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee.”



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