Excerpts from “Psychic Reading” by T.C. Eisele, published by Rebel Satori Press


Below are a pair of excerpts taken from my new book ,”Psychic Reading,” recently published by Rebel Satori Press.

If you are interested in buying a copy of “Psychic Reading” go to the menu and select “Books,” where links are provided to both Amazon and Rebel Satori Press.


From the Introduction…….



The book you are about to read presents the dialogue for a pair of Psychic Readings. While both of these encounters are fictional creations, the material in them is based upon thousands of actual client sessions that I conducted as a Professional Psychic and Astrologer in New York City over a period of more than 17 years.

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What is a Psychic Reading? The act of going to a special individual for spiritual and/or esoteric guidance has existed in one form or another since ancient times and, depending on the cultural setting, could have included activities as varied as making a pilgrimage to the oracle at Delphi in Ancient Greece, consulting a tribal Shaman, or visiting the local Witch on the outskirts of town. Yet regardless of the setting, exactly who are these special people we ask to impart to us their visions and wisdom? In what ways are they different from the rest of us? How do they manage to acquire the insights they are sharing? What does it mean to be Psychic?

The human brain is perhaps the most profound Machine in the Universe, but where do our thoughts come from? We each possess consciousness, but what is our awareness made of? Modern Physiology will tell us that we use only 10% of our brain’s capacity, which would then mean that 90% of our mind’s potential remains dormant within us. If that is the case, then perhaps in the same way that the genetics for an entire tree can exist within a tiny acorn, maybe all the secrets of the universe can also be explained within the untapped portions of the human mind? If this is true, then maybe the Gurus and Psychics we go to for insights are really nothing more than normal people like ourselves who have found a way to activate more than 10% of their innate intelligence? Maybe the late Psychologist and Philosopher Timothy Leary was right when he said, “The Brain is God”?

Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, or the abilities to see, hear, or perceive expanded realities and non-ordinary states of being are among the sorts of powers commonly considered Psychic, yet the relative truth of these experiences are extremely difficult to verify, or even comprehend in terms of conventional understanding. To the general public the popular idea of a Psychic is someone dressed up like a gypsy or a witch who predicts the future using Tarot Cards and a crystal ball. However, if one can manage to put such stereotypes aside the actual truth is that real Psychics, while in possession of one or more of the aforementioned abilities, are also often highly trained individuals in an Esoteric/Occult sense who are capable of offering valuable insights and guidance to those who are in psychological or spiritual crisis.


From “The Second Reading” pages 42-46


READER: What do you do?

TOM: I’m a musician.

READER: Professionally?

TOM: Not exactly.


TOM: Well, I’m in a band, but we’re not working right now.

READER: So what do you do to earn a living?

TOM: I’m a bartender.

READER: How’s that going?

TOM: It pays the bills but I’m pretty frustrated with it.

READER: When was the last time your band played a gig?

TOM: About 6 months ago.

READER: Why is that?

TOM: I don’t know, it seems like it’s hard for us to agree on anything.

READER: Are you in a relationship?

TOM: I don’t know.

READER: You don’t know?

TOM: Well, there’s this chick I’ve been seeing… but, I don’t know…

READER: Is there anything right now working out the way you’d like?

TOM: Sure.

READER: What would that be?

TOM: My Spiritual Studies are going well.

READER: Really? What are you studying?

TOM: I’ve been reading about developing my Psychic Abilities, Remote viewing, stuff like that.

READER: Where are you getting your information?

TOM: From an Internet blog by a guy named Beelzebuddy.

READER: Do you find these studies are useful in regards to the other stuff in your life that isn’t working?

TOM: What do you mean?

(The Reader tilts his head like a dog when it’s confused and then reaches over and grabs one of the large books on the table.)

READER: Let’s get to work. What’s your birthday?

TOM: September 1, 1980

(The Reader opens the book and flips through the pages until he finds what he’s looking for. After studying the information in front of him for a few moments he then begins speaking)

READER: Do you know if you were born before or after 12 noon?

TOM: I’m not sure.

READER: All right, don’t guess. Just answer me this…How curious are you, or better yet, how distracted can you get?

TOM: Well, I am interested in a lot of things.

READER: How often do you finish what you start?

TOM: There are some things that I let slide, but then again I can also be pretty responsible….

READER: …..When you have to be, right?

TOM: I guess you could say that.

READER: Have the responsibilities at your job caused you to let your music slide?

TOM: It’s not like I’m obsessed with my job or anything like that. I plan on getting back to playing; it’s just that I’ve gotten really interested in Psychic stuff.

READER: So let me get this straight… you’re working at a job you don’t like, reading about Psychic stuff, and also thinking about getting back to your music?…. I would say you have a Gemini Moon.

TOM: I thought I was a Virgo?

READER: Your Sun is in Virgo, but your Moon is in Gemini. To say you are a Virgo is like saying you’re a man; there were 9 other planets circling in the heavens on the day you were born and each of them represents an archetypal aspect of your character. For instance, Saturn would represent your control issues, Neptune your imagination, the Moon your emotional style, and so on.

(The Reader takes the next few moments to look at the book again before continuing to speak)

You have a Virgo Sun and it squares a Gemini Moon. Both of these signs are ruled by Mercury, which represents communication and information. As a result, you feel an emotional need to have a constantly changing set of circumstances (your Gemini Moon), which you are forever juggling and trying to orchestrate together into some useful pattern (your Virgo Sun).

(Tom leans forward in his seat and stares intently at the reader)

You also have Mars in Scorpio, which is always about power, and that both sextiles your Sun and inconjuncts your Moon. In short these configurations can cause you to oscillate significantly back and forth between ambition and withdrawal, as well as lending a stealth air to how you generally deal with people. In other words, you don’t like people to know what you’re up to and usually keep things on the down low.

TOM: It says all that in the book?

READER: Not necessarily, that’s my interpretation……….any questions?

TOM: Not bad

***If you are interested in buying a copy of “Psychic Reading” go to the menu and select “Books,” where links are provided to both Amazon and Rebel Satori Press.